Swift Country
For all the fans, haters and closet admirers — we bring you our Taylor Swift episode. Siva sits down with a few Swifties, while Emily chats with Tressie McMillan Cottom. Together they hash out the pros and cons of T-Swift’s influence on American political culture. And, yeah, lots of good music.
Wonder Women
In 1972, Ms. magazine published its first issue — featuring on its cover the Hindu goddess Kali depicted as an over-taxed housewife. And in India, an exploding national film industry was challenging ideas about gender roles and social norms. Two guests join us live to discuss the feminist landscape in print and at the movies.
The Poles Have Spoken
Activist and analyst Agnieszka Graff joins us from Warsaw to break down the surprising outcome of Poland’s national elections. She says the country’s feminist movement — and the visual arts — played a vital role in challenging the ruling party’s authoritarian creep.
Culture of Himpathy
Kate Manne argues that contempt for women is not a bug but a feature of Donald Trump’s politics. More than that, she says, misogyny runs deep in American culture and shapes how our government works — for the worse.