Season 8, Episode 10 Staff Season 8, Episode 10 Staff

The Struggle Continues

Universities pride themselves on teaching students to think freely. But when thought turns to action, the backlash from conservatives — and college administrators — is often stiff and swift, says historian Lauren Lassabe Shepherd. Also: Democracy in Danger is ending, even as our fight goes on.

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Season 6, Episode 6 Staff Season 6, Episode 6 Staff

Fighting with Song

Musicians and artists of the Anataban movement in South Sudan have been mobilizing to demand free elections and an end to the cycle of violence. A leader of the movement joins us on the show to talk about his work and his music.

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Season 3, Episode 11 Staff Season 3, Episode 11 Staff

Hot Spots, Part II - Cuba

Historian Ada Ferrer offers up a sobering view of Cuba’s past, and its tortured relationship with the United States. Plus: a less than sanguine prognosis on the chance for participatory democracy in the island’s future. She joins guest-host David Nemer and our producer, Robert Armengol.

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